Devlog 04 - The Play is the Thing

Another sprint in the can!

We overestimated ourselves this week. We planned to implement a lot of features and ran out of time on a lot of them. But we still made progress! The basics of pretty much all of our mechanics are there, we just need to make them work better.

Our TA also told us that the gameplay is already fun, so as long as we can hold onto that, we should be in good shape.

Sprint 04 needs to take us all the way to our first playable. We should be able to make that happen. We just need to be very selective about what we work on this time. Not a lot of cool pictures this week, but I can share some storyboard art for the first cutscene! Just keep in mind that this is incomplete, but I think it's a great start.

Inspiration song of the day - War Game by Unknown Brain

Get Prometheus Unbound - Beta Release

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